Sunday, November 22, 2020

Knock backs n pick me ups....

Today I turn 50, happy birthday toooo meee :)  made it here, despite situations that may have lead to otherwise....

My exhibition proposal was knocked back, and that was kinda devastating. BUT it really won't make that much difference to my practices, so I simply keep doing what I do, and a context will come. Likely Ill revamp me ol Etsy shoppe and pop some wares up there...

So, picking myself up I used up the last of my 'Sydney' leaves from when I went southwards bound to visit Dianamum. I had previously patchworked squares resulting from them into this shawl / cloak o invisability. They were an oddly scavenged bunch. Some Eucalyptus cinerea bunches on special for $6 in Woolies of all places, unidentified classic gum leaf shaped species from Orange Grove farmers markets n some street wandering harvests. A gathering of  the trips story, with a few local windfalls to welcome home....

I bundled up two lengths of secondhandling silk (which I haven't really had the pleasure to work with before) thinking the leaves had been soaking so long there probably wasn't much colour left in em. How wrong one can be! Thanks gawdess!

How beautfully silk moves in the wind! As the pieces were drying in the breezes I felt like I was in Japan somewhere....
So, today we head off camping for four days :) to the shores of a coastal tea tree lake. Laden with food galore, some stitching, guitar n medicine drum, firewood, a good book o tales and each other! Shall post the inevitable pics upon returning. Blessings upon friends dear  who are being the support crew for Ms Mush cat whilst we're gone! It appears she'll be having rather her own gathering, including the usual driveway passers by n belly scratchers....
Blessings n good vibes

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