Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Life created a journey, aside from November exhibition.....



Once more I find, in what had felt separate, yet is part of this time, I am gently cradling envisioning again. Offered the capacity to spread wings in a return to freedoms, folk and nature, I hold dear. Grieving the loss of some. Life created a journey, aside from November's exhibition at The Emporium. Not to be, this time round....

It was an adventure 'tis true....

Yes, through the portal, a vortex of being unwell......

I could say nought, allow the above Phoenix like image to speak alone. Yet that would silence the realities of those of us who have, and continue to, work with some of the challenges of the mind, heart and soul. Sharing only it's creativity. For the two are contained within, and with out. The transmutation into the bird like rebirth and flight, which can occur as we heal n mend.....

May it be so for all......

Thursday, March 14, 2024


 Currently channeling heart and soul into creating for 'Totemix', feature artist gig in November, through the alchemy and magix of the process of drawings, to be coloured in by folk. 

Like tarot or oracle decks offer signposts, animals and plants sing messages through their medicines, as encountered. Here Blue toungue marks the year of the Dragon with her reptilian dna, watching over and protecting in her dreams, the teaching place. Where we come for incarnation, with it's challenges and beauty. To be inspired and touched by the muses of love, connections, seasons, as they ebb and flow like the tides. 

Invocations of story form our lives, and the sentience that surrounds echo them. Fancy way of saying tales form in daily journeys lived. I look to some friends including animals, plants, water and land for wisdom n peace, as folk have beyond time and continents, including in song....

Warning: this clip includes footage of indig fella now in spirit

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Spell bottles for safe cocooning space in heart ache.....

 I was beautifully gifted some silk worm cases, and also small bottles. After half a day spent in an r n r, healing n mending, I knew exactly what they were for. I crafted these spell bottles, for when our butterfly wings are either shredded by life's winds, or are still unfurling and drying. I began with stinging nettle: for protection / nourishment, then lavender: for calm, rose petals: for loving kind spaces, added the cases and wings.  I made two and blessed them through sandalwood smoke with intention. Then I came to make mine, sure enough the cocoon held within it a dead silkworm, encased, mummified. So I cut through the top, acknowledging her passing, releasing  her, as I currently am certain phases in my life, ouch, but nevertheless true. Popped her in my bottle, from death comes rebirth, like the phoenix, but generally aspects must be honoured in their journey on......

 The passing of the relationship that led to a need to cocoon, from it's previous form, had been foretold by the medicine crossing of my path by a pretty clean, fruit bat skeleton, on a regularly ambled path. Death n rebirth, again. Curious.....not there one day, apparent the next. After rains, yet still, things that make you go hhmmm...hindsight eh? Cosmos n Spirit speak, messages which mayhap clarify only with times passing......

If you're in heartache in the now, geez know you aint alone in that hurt. Folk all over the continents n lands of planet Earth school 101 are traveling along side us. All of us hope for love in some form or other, through fear and doubt. May our hearts remain open to being vulnerable, and navigating through patterns to embracing and being embraced, in ways we grow into being more comfy with. Till then, safe n nourishing cocooning as called for through such pains......... 

Then, finally, I made up a bottle with added cronewort / mugwort (scuse I for such name calling Cronewort, but tis a recognized common name), to pop with my paint brushes and call magix n a touch o wisdom of the other realms into their use. Hopefully, in some form of service to bigger, or smaller, beings.....