Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Seed sprinkling jig with full moon n gentle rain....

My Grandmothers lineage, on both sides, shared a love of green folks. Their, and Diana Mum and Aunt Marian's dna is full swing in my veins in the now. I well remember Gran Bea and Alice's gardens. With Roses, Foxgloves n Hollyhocks growing alongside Banksia, Coastal Tea Tree and Moonah's. Indigenous and migrant plant layers....

Earthing / grounding out is a solid therapy indeed. For the whole being in a two way street with plants nurtured. In the UK 'Green Prescriptions' for Eco-therapy are given by GP's in a pretty solid main stream acknowledgement of this phenomena. It was thus in psychiatric care before pharmaceuticals yet existed. Oh the potentials for combining the realms in non polarity! Medicine ways is medicine ways. Tucker n magical supplies fresh from growing mmmm......


This Aries full moon (the energy's around a few days before indeed) saw me sprinkling seeds beneath grey skies. Weeding, a word (and task) it's rare for me to engage with, except where a plant becomes a dominatrix and suffocates diversity. Then, it's time to go. Thus, after being away some months, I weeded tall n stubborn grasses out of my herb n flower beds, including the spiral one. Added a layer of composted down lovely now soil, then danced a jig! Sprinkling seeds directly into the worm filled mix layered over our sandy beds. Cosmos, Hearts ease, Red Salvia, Rocket, Wild Rocket, Asian greens, Parsley n such, round about. 

After watering them in and then covering the ground with sarongs to prevent em drying out a couple o days, now listening to the second gentle rain fall upon earth for em. Good things happen when sky water is thus. I don't know exactly why. but it's just a cloud zapped different substance to tap water. Sarongs off, shallow mulch layer exposed! First wee sproutlets! 

"Live long, grow strong'' is my planting blessing....

 As you can see harvests o Roma tiny tomatoes galore, and in answer to my curiosity I find, yep they ripen after being harvested green. Be gathering their seeds, tough as survivors, and sweeeeeet. Kale, Wild Rocket, Parsley, Motherwort and Nasturtiums galore! Love to simply pick and eat the bright spicy flowers straight from the Nasturtium patch, or pop petals n smaller leaves into salads.

The poppies I'd sown similarly in the fore mentioned jig style, some 6 months ago, are all grown up and flowering despite our absence! I've been picking a few and bringing them inside, how could you resist these....

So, there's a window into Nomad aka Mush cat n my days of late. Nature the ultimate artist, mentoring, healing n mending, yet again......

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