Begin with the breath. Take a few deep easy breaths. If you are able to, breathe in, 1,2,3,4 hold,1, 2, 3, 4 out 1,2,3,4 hold, and repeat that cycle a few times , till you sense you are slowing. Or in 1, 2, 3, 4 then out slow, and deep. You can say internally or out loud, rreeellaaxxx, chhiiillll, ccaaallmm ddooowwn, or any key words that work for you...or simply breathe...
a lotus, magnolia (or your favourate type of) flower at the top of your
head. Acute / Sensitives often walk through life with this
area in full openess, which can be overwhelming or distressing. An
overloading from the input of environmental stimulation, ordinary reality interactions, yet also connection to spirits,
or otherworldly energies. They can all end up somewhat jumbled together.
So, as we begin to see the petals of the flower at your crown, closing
gently, a few at a time, not blocking, simply rejuvenating for a time. Finally, the green
sepals fold around them, until just a green bud remains.
You can still see light emanating from it, a rose pink if you like...
Now bring your awareness down
into the Earth, to the place where the centre of the front pad of your foot
touches her. See the shimmering roots of light that run into this place,
connect the two of you. Watch and feel as the light spreads through your toes,
one by one, to your heel. A hue that feels right to you, with a luminescence.
The light moves up your ankles, into your calves, knees. Around and up your thighs. Between your legs, up through your fanny, (or willy), your bum. Up the front of your belly, and rising through your spine. In your belly there is a soft edged ball, or perhaps, a flame, or campfire, of light which you can sense the warmth from. A gentle easing spreading heat....allow that to be...
The light moves up your ankles, into your calves, knees. Around and up your thighs. Between your legs, up through your fanny, (or willy), your bum. Up the front of your belly, and rising through your spine. In your belly there is a soft edged ball, or perhaps, a flame, or campfire, of light which you can sense the warmth from. A gentle easing spreading heat....allow that to be...
Continue up through your chest,
front and back together, like slowly spiralling dna. This Earthlight shifts
through your body, through your breasts and up your back.
Pause here, and shift
awareness to your fingers and hands. The tips of your fingers (for the hands
hold much magik) exude aerial rootlets. See their light channelled through your
wrists, forearm and wrap around your shoulders to your heart centre.
a rose coloured light and warmth here, and feel it wrap around your neck up the
back of your head, ears, the front of your neck, chin, lips, nose, eyes and
Here we
are back with the closed bud, resting quite content with it. Reconnected to Earth....
This is a
good time to reconnect with Spirit Kin. Sensing where they are, what’s
happening with them, if they have any guidance for you, are picking up on
something to share some insight, or can crack a funny and make you smile. Some days you need that..
Just a note. I believe in life there are both places of light and dark, this is as it is. The womb is a place of darkness, caves, the night sky which allows rest n regeneration, new moon, innards of our bodies, tree stumps, beneath the ground where seeds dwell, so don't get me wrong. Visualising light though, can be a tool to clear debris, blockages n buildup, just as candle light can create sacred space, Hecates torch be a guide for Demeter through her grief in the underworld. If it doesnt feel right for you, don't go there.
Just a note. I believe in life there are both places of light and dark, this is as it is. The womb is a place of darkness, caves, the night sky which allows rest n regeneration, new moon, innards of our bodies, tree stumps, beneath the ground where seeds dwell, so don't get me wrong. Visualising light though, can be a tool to clear debris, blockages n buildup, just as candle light can create sacred space, Hecates torch be a guide for Demeter through her grief in the underworld. If it doesnt feel right for you, don't go there.
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