Sunday, April 9, 2017

Cailleachs touch.....

As the weather cools down, the (three bar electric) hearth fire is lit and I began to turn my thoughts to the season of Cailleach Bheur approaching. Dear one, wild one. Cailleach, for me, is a wise woman in the way of herbs, a teacher of what lies at the edges being embraced into the core.
 It had started when I was decanting Calendula oil a couple of days ago, watching the gorgeous golden liquid running between my fingers, pouring it over a fresh batch of whole flowers. I was getting my potions on and having a lovely ol time. Cailleach was leaning over my shoulder, merrily cackling, chuckling and enjoying the vibe generally.

Then she led me to contemplate the multiple aspects of woman, as reflected in the seasons of life so that last night I roughed out this sketch in the company of midnight, a slumbering partner and observing but restful cat. A double blessing as my creative juices had been somewhat constipated of late. Twas a right treat to be drawing in the wee hours again, as I opened a fresh sketchbook gifted me by my beloved and dove in.