Friday, October 2, 2020

As the moon waxes to full, a shawl n daily practices growing......

As I ambled along the road under the full moonlight from my beloveds Van, back to the Nook, there was a glow of feeling like the day was ending well. He had played 'Moon River' on guitar skillfully, after a months acts of practice n devotion, I gave harmonica a decent go. A combo of these approaches, worked alright eh. Conscious, focused intention, blended with jumping on in and doing....

The leap of faith, or trust, aka giving it a shot....

The witchin' stitchin' piece I'm working on, a patchwork shawl or cloak, now whispered n sung with and to, began here. As a number of blank squares. Plant echoes layered upon their soft canvas. She is slowly taking form, and I hope whomever ends up enfolding them selves, feels some vibe of this. To ease their travails n travels both...


In parallel, growing commitments to daily practices again, based on building grounding roots into Earth and Sky, the core of inner light. Only then, moving into acts of clearing and protection. Simple, yet potent reframe offered  up by Alicia Fronczek, of Sova Lumina......

For me at this time, the experiment includes working at being the witness or neutral observer of that which I spirit hear. Which seems rather pissed about it all. Backlash. Two steps into deepening peace, embodiment, in-joyment, then hit back reactivity, to change and evolution, which can leave me in devastation's landscape. It's a ride, but one I feel to choose to continue, like those hand stitched seams joining squares together.......

A rocking  wise witchy podcast to nourish whilst stitching: 'Ask a Hag'

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