In my previous post I alluded to the deepening of spiritual practices that has accompanied the recent reductions of a psych med. So, in this one I felt to go into that a bit, with the acknowledgement that the tapering and its accompanying restlessness can make it difficult to focus on some of these practices at times. I engage to the best of my abilities with what I got on any given day.
I don't work with a lot of complex rituals, however the medicine pouch of ones I do engage with are pretty important to me. I would like to acknowledge one of my mentors Odette (see Resources) who has supported me in finding my path with her earthy, safe and open minded ways.
My support crew in spirit are my Spirit Kin. A group of power animals
who travel with me in all realms. Since a child I have held strong
relationships with the animals, around me and this aspect of my
spirituality is an extension of that. They offer comfort, guidance and
have my back. One of them approached me as an ally in a nightmare, one amidst daily
reality and one journeying in non-ordinary reality. Some have come for a time and teachings then moved on, but this core group remain. Connecting with them offers me deep nourishment.
On a day to day or weekly basis I've learned that I need some practices to be the equivalent of psychic showers, or the ocean dips I replace them with. This includes:
Cutting 'cords' ( a manifestation of the energetic 'ties that bind' but which absorb the crud from these links) from my body. Connected to people, the collective, and situations, the cutting of which doesn't mean a desire to sever or break off relationship (although it can where needed), but does allow for a kind of fresh start afterwards.
Clearing my aura of debris gathered in daily interactions (just as dust collects on furniture, or grease near the hearth fire), negative thought forms (the days stagnant, dead end or tape loop thought processes), and also entities or wayward souls. All of which, I find, can take on the form of archetypal beings. I find there's a strong 'trickster' like approach coming from them. They
manifest in this type of form, or dialogue, with me repeatedly. It requires
of me to maintain an alertness and sense of humor (I sometimes find in
short supply), determination and firm boundaries, whilst assisting them to move on. When asked 'who are you
really?' there's a tendency to shape shift, which lets me
know, like the trickster in many cultures, whilst beguiling at times, these beings are not my friends. Teachers yes, friends no.
I am a very visual person, so I use a lot of (and receive information from spirit through) imagery, accompanied by feelings. For example when 'cutting cords' I see my body hovering above a light filled Cauldron (despite the fact that I'm usually lying down) who's inclined to give me a thumbs up, as a rather enthusiastic Sword slices his way through the black sludge like cords, which drop into the Cauldron and are there transformed with accompanying boiling and bubbling.
When I 'Journey' or 'Hedge Ride' it's a very visual experience for me, accompanied by sounds and emotions. I see with my inner eye the landscapes and beings I meet, in the Otherworlds, and when I do so I know things are flowing. I create sacred space and ask my Spirit Kin to be with me. Then to begin a Journey, I play pretty repetitive music, to distract that ol left hand side of the brain, and that seems enough to get me going. I don't use hallucinogens, as I'm bent towards such tendencies already by nature, and knowing my sensitivities am likely to get freaky on them. With some plants, proximity is enough, for me. For example, we have Datura and Peyote growing in our garden but you wouldn't catch me imbibing either, oooohh nooo. I believe all plants are working with us spiritually and have teachings to share, so there's plenty for me to learn without blowing a fuse. I'm running low already!
That being said, I do have an affinity with Artemisia's. I care for and perform prayers with a Sioux pipe which you 'smoke' without inhaling. The smoke serves to carry your prayers to the sky and Great Spirit. I work with dried Artemisia vulgaris for now. However, we also have growing in our garden an as yet unidentified Artemisia (other than as safe to consume) that I bought from a herb nursery as Artemisia argyi, which I am drying to smoke. This herb I also chew fresh leaves of, to connect more deeply with plants especially, and nature generally. She to me is 'Cronewort'. Holds that 'Elderwoman' wisdom and creates a green lense, or filter. A gateway plant. Gentle but not to be messed with, as any feisty ol woman.
young Cronewort...
Her counterpart for me is Grandfather Sage (Salvia apiana), another Elder herb, originating on Turtle island (USA), known for his use as smudge. This herb cleans, clearing away negative or stagnant energy when burnt, his smoke curling around to where it's needed. I call on Grandfather Sage's assistance, when making offerings to spirits / ancestors of a place, or creating sacred space. He brings tools and folk into these realms for ceremony.
I smudge our home. I also draw a boundary around The Nook that says 'safe space' or 'sanctuary' in energetic language, by setting wards. This involves reactivating a visualised stone circle that sits upon the borders of our property, with Reiki symbols (I know, a bit flakey you may say, but hey it works), and pentacles that run the width of our roof and front door.
These practices are part of my journey of Recovery. As my connection to them deepens, what may sound like a simple process, gains potency and becomes more vivid. Affirming connection to the world of Spirit, whilst having Nature as a constant companion to earth these experiences in body.
So, these are some of the ways I find myself calling upon at the moment, taking one or several at a time out of my Medicine pouch, to work with and enjoy.
'Animal-Speak: The Spiritual and Magical Powers of Creatures Great and Small.' by Ted Andrews. Llewelyn Publications. 1998.
'Animal Dreaming: the symbolic and spiritual language of the Australasian animals.' by Scott Alexander King. Blue Angel Gallery 2007.
Odette Nightsky and her lineage of Contemporary Shamanism: